Mon, 28 October 2013
Are we to be concerned about who enters a place of worship and what they pray for? God can sort out the sincere from the specious. We accept the discipline of prayer as a process of laying bare our soul, and healing it. |
Mon, 28 October 2013
With comedy, Jesus makes the point: If scoundrels can come around to doing what is right, why should we worry about God providing for us? |
Mon, 28 October 2013
Wonder and awe lead to thanksgiving and an awareness that the source of our being knows no barriers or borders. |
Mon, 28 October 2013
"Peace, love, Bombers!" Whatever our slogan, we need to write it large so speedy people can read it. The vision still has its time -- faith lived out is steadiness and consistency in meeting the tough challenges. |
Tue, 1 October 2013
Are our personal energies directed toward establishing a "force field" to shield us from what we think will sadden us? Better to drop the force field and be energized through relationship. |
Tue, 1 October 2013
Pope Francis consistently proclaims the power of God's mercy. We are recipients of this gift, which puts us in a position to exercise initiative in response to the healing which comes from God. |
Tue, 1 October 2013
The great parable of Luke 15 is our context for considering the element of ignorance which is to be found in sin, and how mercy brings us out of ignorance. |
Tue, 1 October 2013
In the midst of anxiety about the Syria situation, we consider what it means to live in this world with requisite presence of mind. |
Tue, 1 October 2013
Jesus teaching table manners? Isn't our faith about something deeper? For sure! Consider what he has to say about whom we invite to the table. |