Sun, 29 April 2007
A different take on the same readings. NOTE: Next weekend I will again be away from the parish; therefore no homily for May 5-6.
Sun, 29 April 2007
You who are listening to the podcast know very well the concept of "multitasking." Can people multitask and do justice to any of the work they do? Jesus' attention was fixed on one matter alone. His singleness of heart led to the salvation of all of us and each of us.
Sun, 22 April 2007
Recorded at Divernon on Saturday, April 14. Personally I will always have esteem for Thomas in his unwillingness to be deceived -- though I grant that we can improve upon him and learn to appreciate the need to accept the testimony of witnesses. -- NOTE: I was not in my parish April 21-22 and did not preach.
Sun, 22 April 2007
Resurrection allows us to accept our memories -- even the most bitter. Our participation in Christian baptism means that we have accepted the invitation of Jesus to accept all the good that comes from his confrontation of the contradictions of human existence -- especially the contradiction called death. We are grateful for the invitation we've been given -- the invitation to live fully.
Fri, 6 April 2007
As I attempted to record my homily for Holy Thursday, I discovered that the battery was dead. Sorry. You will note that my Triduum homilies are building upon the concept of memory.
Sun, 1 April 2007
Luke is my favorite Gospel, and likewise the Passion of Luke is my favorite of the narratives of the death of Jesus. It seems to me that Luke has an eye on the universal implications of the sacrifice of the Word Made Flesh. When he says to the one crucified alongside him, "This day you will be with me in Paradise," we understand that God in fact brings into the Kingdom those who seem to be irrevocably excluded. Recorded at the 8:00 am Sunday Eucharist at Auburn.