Sunday Homilies

from Father Kevin Laughery, Troy St. Jerome and St. Jacob St. James Parishes, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Note: Comments from this page do not reach me; instead, email:

The Podcasts

The novel I refer to is The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler; I find the lives of Theobald and Ernest to be a caution against the establishment of religion. When religious faith is one with the postal service and internal revenue, what sort of faith is it?
Direct download: KML_2009-04-26_8am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 9:17am CST

Your homilist still doesn't understand how a Sunday of Easter can be named for a private devotion.
Direct download: KML_2009-04-19_1015am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 6:09pm CST

Get rid of the old yeast and become unleavened. St. Paul's Passover imagery is applied to the change that comes about when we acknowledge the sense of human dignity that follows from the treasure of the resurrection.
Direct download: KML_2009-04-12_1015am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 12:19pm CST

The amazement of the women at the tomb may, very usefully, be compared with the amazement of the brothers of Joseph when they found that one they thought dead was in the position of saving them from starvation.
Direct download: KML_2009-04-11_830pm.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 12:17pm CST

The Passion of St. John is most emphatic about Jesus "laying down" his life, as opposed to having someone snatch it from him. The calm silence of Jesus unnerves Pontius Pilate.
Direct download: KML_2009-04-10_7pm.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 12:15pm CST

This is a homily on "basics" of the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Direct download: KML_2009-04-09_7pm.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 12:13pm CST

Was "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" a cry of despair? We must consider the source of this expression in order to understand properly why the writer of Mark's Gospel put it on Jesus' lips when he was on the cross.
Direct download: KML_2009-04-05_8am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 11:23am CST

The image of the grain of wheat "dying" may not be botanically satisfactory, but we certainly know what Jesus means. Conversion means entering into an existence that cannot be foreseen. It demands abandonment of self so that one's true self can be found.
Direct download: KML_2009-03-29_8am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 12:37pm CST