Mon, 30 July 2007
Due to technical difficulties, this homily is appearing rather late. The Scriptures give us a lot to consider regarding prayer. It is most important to note the communal nature of prayer (even when we think we're "alone") and to take confidence in the strength of praying liturgically with people all over the world. Does it help to tell people that the Tridentine Mass was never abrogated? Does it help to treat the Christians of the Reformation as some virus in a test tube, on which you hope to put the right label?
Mon, 23 July 2007
We finish our reflection on the meaning of hell. We also consider the virtue of hospitality, acknowledging that activity (of whatever kind) can get in the way of our focus on why we engage in various activities.
Sun, 15 July 2007
Treatment of eschatology continues with a consideration of hell, where jokes fall flat. There has been a lot of name-calling in state government lately; we must consider the fact that labeling people is a foolish excuse for not responding to people spontaneously with love.
Sun, 8 July 2007
Today is my fiftieth birthday. It's a time somewhat like Dante's mezzo del cammin di nostra vita (the middle of the walk of our life) and it was then that he looked into the "last things" in writing The Divine Comedy. Today I complete my look at Purgatorio. We also consider the meaning of fulfillment in life. -- Well, I found an English translation of yesterday's motu proprio of Pope Benedict XVI and I can tell you that I don't like it one bit.
Mon, 2 July 2007
Freedom is the opportunity to choose a direction for one's life. Jesus knew that he was proceeding resolutely to Jerusalem and an appointment with a cross. Our challenge is freely to embrace everything that comes with the path of holiness.