Sunday Homilies

from Father Kevin Laughery, Troy St. Jerome and St. Jacob St. James Parishes, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Note: Comments from this page do not reach me; instead, email:

The Podcasts

Even though I have spoken about the issue of clergy sexual abuse many times in the past, I had a hard time with this homily, and its length (16 minutes plus) reflects my difficulty.  My RSS feed of The Tablet has just reported that the Vatican has published on its website, in English, norms for handling such cases; there is stress upon the requirement that police be contacted.

Direct download: KML_2010-04-11_8am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 1:54pm CST

The apostles and the other witnesses of Jesus' resurrection found this event to be an inner as well as an outer experience.  His resurrection meant that so many things which they did not understand beforehand made sense now.

Direct download: KML_2010-04-04_8am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 1:51pm CST

Our anxiety about whether "things are going to be OK" hangs on the meaning of the death of the man in whose Passion we participate today.

Direct download: KML_2010-03-28_8am.MP3
Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 1:48pm CST