Mon, 26 February 2007
Jesus underwent temptation just as we do. But he never sinned. So how much like us is he, really? Can we relate to him? Can his fidelity to his Father be attributed to superhuman powers? These are vital questions which we must answer if we are to make our way through Lent to the celebration of the Easter Mystery. Recorded Saturday evening, February 24, in Auburn.
Sun, 25 February 2007
I have limited time to upload the homily, since I left my power cord at my office last week and I have only 46 min. of battery and the uploading is ridiculously slow today.
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 12:35pm CST
Sat, 17 February 2007
How do we view people? Can we expand our vision so we can see people more in the way that God sees us? It is possible, and we can develop an appreciation for human beings which is a step toward the vision of Jesus in his challenging command to love our enemies.
Sat, 17 February 2007
The blowing-snow conditions are making travel treacherous. I have decided to have today's 4:00 pm Mass at Auburn rather than at Divernon. The rest of the schedule will proceed as usual: Sat. 5:30 pm, Sun. 8:00 and 10:15 am, all at Auburn. Travel safely if you must travel, and remember, especially in regard to coming to Mass, that no one is bound to the impossible.
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 10:23am CST
Sun, 11 February 2007
I uploaded the file and listened to it from Libsyn. I am pleased to be podcasting again.
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 12:10pm CST
Sun, 11 February 2007
We're back, thanks to Brian Noe's expertise. For this first attempt with a new recording device, I'm a little bit self-conscious wearing the thing on my wrist. We cast aside all distracting thoughts and extend our roots so we will always be one with the source of life.