Tue, 27 May 2008
The "homily" on this day was largely devoted to the in-pew fundraising campaign for the Cathedral. I don't want to subject anybody to any more of this. I promise a real homily next week!
Category:Sunday Homilies
-- posted at: 4:01pm CST
Sun, 18 May 2008
We were baptized into "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." The communitarian being of God Himself helps us to understand why it is absolutely necessary for us to live our lives in relationship.
Mon, 12 May 2008
See the Vigil of Pentecost for references to harrowing experiences (does even St. Paul have the right to be the one talking about "labor pains" on the weekend of Mother's Day?). Going through crises may perhaps purify our sense of what really matters in life. We may be more responsive to the Holy Spirit.
Sun, 4 May 2008
This one features yours truly trying to talk about four different things; the third part is the homily proper. Jesus commands the Eleven to "go and make disciples" -- in other words, bring people around so that they are as excited about their faith as anyone devoted to a particular teacher.
Sun, 4 May 2008
Sorry, a string of mishaps led to no homily being recorded for this Sunday.
Category:Sunday Homilies
-- posted at: 9:38am CST