Fri, 29 February 2008
I'm sorry to be late with this upload. As I recall, I looked at Jesus and the Samaritan woman as a way of identifying various anxieties of human life.
Sun, 17 February 2008
How can we act with true hope, and not give in to a despairing attitude? Jesus gave an answer through his transfiguration. We can perceive, along with Peter, James, and John, that the good is triumphant, even when we can see only evil surrounding us.
Tue, 12 February 2008
Yes, this year we are going to talk about sin. Jesus' resistance of temptation is a good occasion for us to think about sins of recklessness, as well as their opposite extreme: sins of shrinking fearfulness toward all the challenges of life.
Tue, 12 February 2008
I am somewhat slow to get this past Sunday's homily uploaded. I was feeling quite tired all weekend and right up to today. The recording device is in Auburn and I am in Springfield. I hope to have uploaded it by this evening. At last, audio Lent will begin. I enjoyed yesterday's Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes in Decatur, marking the 150th anniversary of the apparitions at Lourdes, France, and the beginning of Lourdes Parish's 50th jubilee year observance. My parents and I were charter members of the parish when it was created on October 28, 1958 (the same day Angelo Roncalli was elected Pope John XXIII!).
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 11:48am CST
Sun, 3 February 2008
Today we are "searching for Bobby Fischer" and thereby presenting a counterexample for the Beatitudes. We are all tempted to make the activity that most gratifies us our only goal in life. If we accede to the temptation, we tell ourselves that we are providing ourselves with happiness, but in fact we cut ourselves off from the deeper acceptance of the world and our place in it which in fact brings joy to us.