Sun, 24 September 2006
I have an extraordinary opportunity before me. A recently-retired priest of my diocese is providing weekend coverage for me for four consecutive weekends. I will be away from my parish and from tribunal for nearly five weeks. I will not post another homily until Sunday, October 29.
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 9:35am CST
Sun, 24 September 2006
When we are faced with the unpleasant or the perplexing, we do our best to distract ourselves -- even if that means taking a flight into fantasy. So Jesus' disciples did in trying to ignore his words to them that he must be put to death, and launching into a discussion of who is the greatest among them. Let's put aside fantasy and acknowledge what truly gives meaning to our life.
Category:Sunday Homilies
-- posted at: 9:31am CST
Sun, 17 September 2006
Powerful readings: Isaiah 50, the third Suffering Servant Song; from James, the "faith-works" controversy; from Mark, "Get behind me, Satan!"
Sun, 10 September 2006
How good it is for our ears to be opened once again to hear Sunday reflections on the Word of God. Reflecting on the life of my first seminary spiritual director, I add the image of the "heart of stone" (Ezekiel 36: 24-28) to the prescribed readings.
Sun, 10 September 2006
After consulting FAQs regarding my voice recorder, it appears I have solved the software problem and will have today's homily available for you. I'm sorry for the couple of weeks without homilies. Tribunal demands have been heavy, and after a day's work there, I am not inclined to stay in problem-solving mode.
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 6:53am CST