Sun, 21 May 2006
Hello. I am enjoying the extremely unusual weather we've been having during May. In this part of the world, spring is understood to be a period of about two days between winter and summer. This year, however, I've definitely set a record for being able to leave my windows open and just let the cool air in. It's 65 here on Sunday morning. I am in the midst of an experiment to figure out how to get tribunal work done smarter and faster. I may actually get some time today to work on some work I've brought home. But I also have to get in some serious back-porch time!
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 9:38am CST
Sun, 21 May 2006
Where I live, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Therefore, on the Sixth Sunday of Easter we can use readings from the Seventh Sunday which we otherwise would never hear. Today I used the Seventh Sunday's Gospel, Jesus' prayer "that all may be one." Catholics need to watch their language when they refer to Christians of different denominations.