Mon, 1 May 2006
Lately, my recreations have been of a cerebral nature. I find great enjoyment, for instance, in proceeding with my "Great Books" project and in doing sudoku puzzles. I hit a wall about a week ago. I was extremely tired, and I wondered whether I needed a change in my antidepressants. I began to consider whether my brain just needed a rest. I have been trying to rest my brain and I seem to be doing OK. You there, staring at the computer: Are you thinking too much?
Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog
-- posted at: 10:35am CST
Mon, 1 May 2006
My take on The Da Vinci Code. Also, is it true that, after the Resurrection, you still get to eat? This was from the 8:00 am Mass at Auburn (10:15 was First Communion).