Sunday Homilies : The Limits of Multitasking

from Father Kevin Laughery, Troy St. Jerome and St. Jacob St. James Parishes, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Note: Comments from this page do not reach me; instead, email:

The Podcasts

I have not posted homilies for Easter Sunday or the Second Sunday of Easter.  I have some time right now to recover from Easter, and I have to say that Easter was pretty exhausting.

I found myself, these last two weekends, deciding that doing the recording was one multitask too many.  I hope that a homily will appear here on the Third Sunday of Easter.

On Easter Sunday, I gave a brief homily which concluded: "The tomb is empty.  Our hearts are full."  On the Second Sunday of Easter, I talked about the earliest Christians having all their goods in common, and I extended this idea to our need to care for our one household, the planet Earth.

I am definitely discontinuing my AOL blog.  It is much handier for me to write ideas in the same place where I put my spoken ideas.

Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog -- posted at: 9:28pm CST