Sunday Homilies : Such a beautiful day to have tons of work

from Father Kevin Laughery, Troy St. Jerome and St. Jacob St. James Parishes, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Note: Comments from this page do not reach me; instead, email:

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Hello.  I am enjoying the extremely unusual weather we've been having during May.  In this part of the world, spring is understood to be a period of about two days between winter and summer.  This year, however, I've definitely set a record for being able to leave my windows open and just let the cool air in.  It's 65 here on Sunday morning. 

I am in the midst of an experiment to figure out how to get tribunal work done smarter and faster.  I may actually get some time today to work on some work I've brought home.  But I also have to get in some serious back-porch time!

Category:Fr. Kevin's Blog -- posted at: 9:38am CST