Sunday Homilies : Relocating the website

from Father Kevin Laughery, Troy St. Jerome and St. Jacob St. James Parishes, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Note: Comments from this page do not reach me; instead, email:

The Podcasts

As of this Friday, October 31, AOL is no longer hosting websites.  I have therefore moved my site to a new service provider.  You can find the site at

Did I say "have moved"?  It's a process.  Besides uploading the files, I have to edit out the old URLs referring to the old service provider.  I am just back from vacation and have a lot of tribunal work before me.  So I am working on the site as I have the chance.  I will do my best to address the most popular parts of the site (liturgical calendars and "What Really Matters") with expedition.

(I am reminded of a comment by a Rome classmate of mine.  He said, "When waiters in Italy say subito [right away], they say it without any reference to time.  When they say it, the meaning is: 'I heard you.' ")

If you're wondering about Sunday homilies: I have two recorded.  The process of transferring them to my computer is at a standstill.  I plug the thing in and the software doesn't recognize that the device is connected.  I'll look into it ... subito.

Category:Sunday Homilies -- posted at: 2:11pm CST